Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) ResumeLicensed Practical Nurse (LPN) resume must be designed with a particular objective planned in your mind. Therefore, you have to present your important information in reverse chronological order, starting with your top most qualified degree and work your way backwards. In addition, also state your professional or job titles including your major job responsibilities with their specified dates. Your exceptional resume application must be effective enough to cast an impeccable spell on your prospective recruiters mind and force them to elect you for an interview. In addition, try to state your goals and objectives that create a special focus on your LPN resume as well as provide a sense of direction, credibility, and suggest commitment to your part of work.
A significant part of section is reserved for the description of your major job responsibilities and therefore, you have to make every effort in displaying your growth or the contributions you have added towards the previous organization. Basically, the licensed practical nurses are responsible for offering better health care to each and every patient, assisting the doctors and general surgeons in their work, supervising the general physician activities, and handling the assigned administrative tasks. Therefore, individuals who wish to serve this field should have a better understanding and compassion towards the patients. This would assist them to excel in their field. Be thoughtful enough while stating your responsibilities and interest towards the respective profession. Your well organized and impressive resume can certainly provide a golden chance to outshine in your career. Here, you are presented with a free resume sample for licensed practical nurse. Jerry L. Burns Career Objective: Aspire to acquire a position for a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), in a reputed health care industry where my outstanding advanced skills are tested. Aim to attain a highest position in nursing care industry by utilizing my medical procedures, exceptional techniques and nursing practices. Career Summary: Fifteen years of experience as a Licensed Practical Nurse and so possess efficient knowledge regarding nursing practices, medical procedures, etc. Competent enough to make proper on time judgment for solving critical problems. Awarded for efficiently managing the multiple administrative tasks based on their priorities. Qualification:
Skills Summary:
Technical and Professional Skills:
Work Experience: Current Employer: Holy Family Hospital and Medical Center (2007 - till date)
Previous Employer: University of Massachusetts Medical School (2006-2007)
Achievements and Awards:
Extra Curricular Activities:
Mobility and Flexibility: Willing to relocate anywhere in New Orleans and Manhattan Declaration: I hereby declare that the above-mentioned information is correct and true as per my knowledge. (Signature) Jerry L. Burns Here, the presented resume sample for Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) can certainly assist you in creating your own exceptional resume application. You have to take certain extra efforts to focus on your additional credentials and make it impressive enough to direct the attention of your prospective recruiter towards your resume. Your pertinent and incredible work assignments should direct your employer's attention and force them to cast a vote in your favor and select you for an interview. This brilliant opportunity can surely help you to excel in your career.
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